Sunday, May 4, 2008

Well, here I am finally off my duff, and ready to report on my trip to see my daughter Laura, Clara my grandchild, and even my ex wife, Nicole. I drove up (5hours) to visit them from France on their yearly vacation. I was wonderful to see and touch base again after a year when I flew out to see them. Baby Clara is entering that "terrible two's" age when she, and all children try to assert themselves into our lives. It's a learning process, that's sometimes painful, but always a delight to see them progress. A short week was not enough time to spend with them as we drove around our old haunts in and around Vienna, Virginia. Wow! That town has turned into a small city with all the city problems of progress and frustrations that go along with growth.

Thank you Laura and Nicole for bringing Beautiful Baby Clara along. Too bad Antoine couldn't come with you.
With a little luck I'll try to make it to France by Christmas time.

I arrived back here in little Washington, NC where I could breath deep, clean, Pamlico air and slow down the frantic pace that comes with city life. I got back to my paintings and will show off a couple here on the blog.

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