Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Our new piers

Although the last hurricanes didn't do a lot of damage to our wooden piers (2), the past weather accumulated to the state of wear and tear on our old piers. The south pier really took a beating, and was on its last leg (sort of speak). A community vote agreed that the two piers needed replacing at a cost of 2K dollars per home owner. (And that's what community living is all about). Our new and improved concrete piers with wooden pilings were completed and everyone should realize an improvement in his/her property value. The new piers looked so good that I decided to make a painting of the project. I think the painting turned out okay, nothing special, but it gives a general view of the construction,and the boats tied up. Of course, my boat, The Laura B (in the foreground) no longer lives here as I had to sell it due to 'lower back' problems on this old body. Here's a picture of that painting just recently completed.

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