Thursday, August 27, 2009

Low tide morning

And yet another oil painting of mine and added to my wall space.

The painting was from a photo. I'm going to get into 'plein air' mode and see the landscapes first hand. Best to paint right from nature.

I hope you like this one.

Comments below?


Anonymous said...

I think I've already told you this but I really like this painting, love the colors, really REALLY great work!!! Remember if and when you run out of wall space... I've got some over here!!! Keep up the great art work DAD. Lv, me

Anonymous said...

I love all your paintings-having never lived near the ocean I didn't realize the tide got this low. I've nominated you for the Superior Scribbler Award this is the link

Anonymous said...

Grandpa B. say, Thank you Laura. I'll keep that wall space in mind.

And Thank you Vickie for the nomination. Now, what the heck is this Scribbler Award business???

Take care. Regards all.

Anonymous said...

After I did all of what you are suppossed to do maybe it's best just to be thankful for the nomination!!